

Origin: McGredy, Northern Island, 1965

Parentage: ‘Columbine’ x ‘Gruss an Heidelberg’

Flower Size: 9cm (3.5in)

Flowering: Repeats constantly

Height: 10-15 ft

When Handel first came out, it created a sensation. It was the first repeat flowering climbing rose to bare he distinctive pink edging on it’s blooms, much like that of Peace. It also created a new interest in shorter climbing roses for smaller gardens.

At first it’s flowers are creamy white with a pink band around the edge of the petals. As they open they change, often according to the weather. In cooler climates, the colours fade where as in warmer climates the colours intensifies and then seeps into the paler part of the flower.

For more information and availability please visit http://www.apuldramroses.co.uk/HANDEL-rose.htm

One Response to “Handel”
  1. This theme is simply matchless :), very much it is pleasant to me)))

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